I have undergone some transforming the last couple of weeks. Due to some personal and professional changes I've made, my life has become a rather interesting little self-made monster. I am jumping over some serious hurdles in my life right now and at this point in the race I'm looking behind me and seeing a lot of hurdles on the ground and not many left standing. I, however, am still standing, and it's due to the aforementioned people in my life that I am not face down in a rather disgusting pool of my own slobber/tears and melted chocolate chip mint ice cream.
I have always masqueraded as a very strong, independent woman who has a plan and solution for everything. I might have a plan for everything but rarely does it ever go as I wish it to and although I may be independent in many ways (i.e. cleaning myself, feeding myself, dressing myself, etc...) I would be absolutely nothing without the "rocks" that seems to hold me up on my life path. So for those of you reading (you know who you are) I say a tremendously loud and probably obnoxious thank you.
I have learned that you certainly cannot plan for everything and I am slowly accepting the fact that the plans that I make are not always as awesome as I think they are. Sometimes you go with the flow of life and sometimes life picks you up and throws you against the flow until you get the freaking point. So, I get the point, and I although I might be a little worse for wear right now I am happy that it took me so long to get the point. Otherwise I wouldn't be who I am today.
Some people learn from their mistakes and some people are a giant walking mistake. I'm the last one <-------right here y'all. You've got to own it right?
So yeah. Slobbery, weepy goodness and touchy feely stuff right?

Well at least I'm not sulking right?
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